Honey, Natural, LOCAL
Honey, Natural, LOCAL
In September of 1967, Bill Sr. and Isabel Bygarski purchased fifty hives and related equipment for sixteen hundred dollars. Their beekeeping adventure had just gotten started and Bill Sr. had a hobby. Actually, over the next few years it became a family hobby and a full grown business.
Bees are an important part of agriculture right across this country. It is said that one out of every three mouthfuls of food has been touched by bees in one way or another. Not only do bees produce honey, they also provide the essential service of pollination. From coast to coast there are crops that are pollinated by honeybees. Fruit crops in B.C., canola, and forage crops across the prairies, Blueberries in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes are only a few examples of the variety of crops that honey bees pollinate.
As well as pollinating commercial crops, honey bees play an active role in pollinating many native species of trees, plants and flowers that make Canadian landscape so beautiful. In addition, many of our natural animal species forage on the wild plants, fruit and seeds and the demise of the honey bee would have a detrimental effect on all these natural species.
Bygarski’s Honey Farm is excited to have been a part of a natural and environmentally friendly industry for so many years. Our natural honey is produced by bees right here on the Canadian Prairies.
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada