Crampton's Pembina Plum Jam, LOCAL
Crampton's Pembina Plum Jam, LOCAL
All Crampton's Manitoba Maid products are locally made & gluten free.
Starbuck, Manitoba, Canada
It all started 30 years ago near Somerset, Manitoba, on a mixed farm where a young Sam & Paulette Crampton began their Manitoba Maid journey. They started out with grain & cattle, eventually branching out into a U-Pick Strawberry farm, which would become the beginning of Cramptons Manitoba Maid and the very first jam flavour on the menu! Over the years, that one flavour branched out into over 35 flavours, mostly locally farmed and wild harvested and all made by hand in the kitchen that Sam and Paulette built.
What was once a country kitchen with a home stove has now become a licensed production facility near Starbuck, Manitoba.
This is where Joyce & Doug Livingston now own and operate Crampton's Manitoba Maid. They've been neighbours of the Crampton's for years, as retired grain farmers themselves, they worked closely with the Crampton's to ensure the same quality and attention to detail goes into every jar or bottle of jam, syrup, marmalade, jelly & topping. They have maintained the signature fruit chunks by preserving the method of slicing the fruit rather than using purees... And they still hand fill, hand cap and hand label all products.